Empyrean Classic is the ultimate way to combine value with flexibility, gaining access to the best available market rate prices without compromising on choice.

Market Pricing
Get the best price available at the time of booking. Our immense global buying power provides you with the most suitable aircraft at the most competitive rates on all your charters.

A Wider Choice Of Aircraft
From helicopters and propeller aircraft to private jets and VIP airliners, you have the ultimate choice over the aircraft you use and do not commit yourself to a specific aircraft type or category.

No Peak Days
Fly any day of the year, regardless of popular events or holidays. By not being tied to a limited fleet or even category of aircraft, we have the ability to find you a solution regardless of the time of year.

Ease Of Booking
Simply book a charter with a single message.

No Monthly Fees
Pay only for what you use, with no unnecessary monthly fees, even if you do not fly.

No Minimum Commitment
You will not be tied into any lengthy contract or a minimum level of spend, providing complete control and flexibility.

Fully Refundable
You have peace of mind that any unused funds are accessible at any time, penalty free.

Access To The Travel Division
From exclusive hotel stays, private villas, entertainment experiences and more, our travel experts are on hand to fulfill every aspect of your travel requirements.

No Expiry Date
Unlike other products on the market, there is no timescale in which you need to use up your funds.
A businessman was seeking a more flexible, better-value jet card account. Learn more about why the Empyrean Classic Account provided the perfect solution to their requirements.